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Our Story
The GAA has a long and proud association with Wicklow Town. There has been a GAA club in existence in the town as far back as 1886, a mere two years after the foundation of the national body in Thurles in November 1884. The strength of the Club today is a testament to this success and the hard work put in by countless coaches and volunteers down through the years.

The Club is active in the promotion of our games at all levels with a strong focus on giving players of all ages and abilities a chance to play our national games. St Patrick’s originally played its games on the Murrough but moved to Dunbur in the mid 1960’s. Work on the Clubhouse in Dunbur began in 1978 and was completed in 1981. The Clubhouse was officially opened by GAA President Paddy Buggy on the 12th September 1982.

Today, we have close to 30 teams in the Club, outgrowing our current facilities. In 2017 the Club successfully purchased 29 acres of land on the Greenhills Road and were granted planning permission in 2018. This location will provide playing pitches and facilities for the future St Patrick’s GAA players.

In previous times, the people of Wicklow Town have been hugely instrumental in raising funds for Club development. This project is no different – we need our Community’s help to make this dream a reality.

Click here to go to the St. Patrick’s GAA Patron 500 Club website

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